

The AV industry has seen a significant expansion in networked solutions in recent years, particularly with the need for USB and control capabilities alongside the video signal. AVPro Edge has been at the forefront of this trend with the success of our MXNet's 1G, 1G Evolution II, and 10G systems, which you can learn more about in our newsletter. As we continue developing our network solutions, we have also created a lineup of Dante-enabled products specifically designed for encoding and decoding audio for the network. We are excited to be part of the networked AV solutions movement and look forward to continuing to innovate in this space. In addition, many other exciting items are in the newsletter, like the Chicago experience center video and our case study on Hard Rock Café in Italy! Enjoy!

-Jeff Murray

AVPro Edge Latest Product Guide


AVPro Edge's ISE 2023 Highlights

AVPro Edge attended ISE 2023 earlier this year Barcelona, Spain and we were absolutely thrilled with the results our presence delivered. It also presented an opportunity to spend time with our distribution partners across the EU, minus the Zoom app! 

AVPro Edge Announces ProSource Vendor Partnership

AVPro Edge has announced its new partnership with ProSource, the largest specialty and consumer electronics audio, video and integration group in the United States.

New Product Launch: Dante Encoder & Decoder

AVPro Edge's Dante Encoder and Decoder bring professional audio-video distribution to the next level, emphasizing on audio. This training will introduce you to these powerful new tools, such as the Dante Encoder, Dante Decoder and MXNet 1G Dante Encoder. I hope you can join us!

ISF Seminar Heads to Sunny St. Petersburg, FL

ISF is headed to sunny St. Petersburg, FL for the ISF Level III Seminar on March 28-30, 2023 and hosted at AVPro Global South! Register today for before seats sell out!
Coming out of ISF Level III, you will have the knowledge to teach customers about picture quality and be able to confidently explain why investing in a better TV or projector is worth it. This will all contribute to more margin and better sales, ultimately increasing your bottom line. Learn more...
  • Latest Icron USB firmware (1.9.4) supports SUI USB pairing mode
  • V3.19 -  supports multi-view with a cropped input source
  • User_EDID read button so users can easily upload and read the User EDID. 
MXNet 1G Evolution II - Encoder & Decoder ​
  • Supports two USB modes - hardware and software 
  • Firmware now supports 4 block EDIDs when using Passthrough and Copy ​
  • Added Test Pattern Enable/Disable to the front menu 
  • Added Firmware Version to the front menu 
  • Added EDID Blend to the EDID Select Menu OUT1 Loop OUT2 Scale
  • AVPro Edge Becomes Contributing Member of SDVoE Alliance Read on...
  • AVPro Edge Announces ProSource Vendor Partnership Read on... 
  • AVPro Edge Announces Release of New AC-MAX-24 Two Channel Audio Matrix Read on...
  • AVPro Edge Goes Quiet with Noctua Fans Partnership Read on...

AVPro Edge Becomes Contributing Member of SDVoE Alliance

AVPro Edge has joined the SDVoE Alliance as a contributing member. AVPro Edge’s latest innovation, the MXNet 10G AV-over-IP ecosystem, arrives ready to meet the design challenges for upscale commercial and residential applications head-on.

Downmixing Evolution II Encoder Now Available for MXNet 1G System

The AC-MXNET-1G-AVDM-EV2 is now shipping. This Encoder draws upon an onboard proprietary audio decoder module designed to extract two-channel, balanced analog audio from high bitrate, multi-channel audio codecs including Dolby Atmos and DTS:X IMAX Enhanced for integration with multi-zone stereo distribution systems.

AVPro Edge Provides Video Distribution for Hard Rock Cafe in Italy

Audiosales is AVPro Edge's distribution partner in Italy and recently, a customer of theirs had the opportunity to deploy MXNet, as part of the installation for a client considered one of the world’s most storied franchises, the Hard Rock Cafe in Verona, Italy.

DANTE has Landed at AVPro Edge

Dante solutions are now available at AVPro Edge. Dante replaces this dizzying maze of single-purpose cables by utilizing Ethernet category wiring, then using proprietary hardware and software technologies to digitize and encode audio signals into Internet Protocol “packets”. 

Audio and Video over USB...What Could Go Wrong?

USB has had a profound impact in helping us cope with our computer-dominated lives. It has evolved to become a standard and now into our current era where data transfer speeds over USB now equal the latest HDMI specification. But USB does not enjoy a freedom from limitations. 
A huge shoutout goes to Kreative AV out of Malden, MA and their awesome install at Rivalry Sports Lounge & Kitchen. The Team just finished up this new north shore Sports Bar and to say they hit it out of the park is an understatement. Some great team work from all involved with this project. Thank you to the Owners for giving us the opportunity to take care of their new location it was a great pleasure working with you. If you get a chance to be in the downtown Salem area be sure to check this place out.​ 

@control4 @futureautomation @samsungtv @avproedge #teamwork #commericalav #smarthometechnology
March 1: AVI Live - Kansas City, MO
March 1: AVPro Academy - Hawaii
March 19-22: ProSource Summit - Las Vegas, NV
March 28-30: ISF Seminar - St. Petersburg, FL 
April 4: CEDIA Tech Summit - Charlotte, NC 
​April 6: CEDIA Tech Summit - Atlanta, GA 
April 17-20: HSTA Spring Conference - Las Vegas, NV ​
April 18: CEDIA Tech Summit - London, England ​
April 27: CEDIA Tech Summit - Chicago, IL
​May 23: CEDIA Tech Summit - Orange County, CA ​
May 24: CEDIA Tech Summit - Leeds, England ​
May 25: CEDIA Tech Summit - Los Angeles, CA 
June 7: CEDIA Tech Summit - Salt Lake City, UT 
June 7: CEDIA Tech Summit - Edinburgh, England 
June 14-16: INFOCOMM 2023 - Orlando, FL 
June 27-29: ISF Seminar - New York, NY
Learning about the latest technology in the AV industry is better when experienced. AWA Reps in Chicago has set up a place where you can do just that. Going to the AWA Experience Center can immerse you in product demons, such as their Dolby Atmos theater, or get hands-on training with many of the latest security and AV gear. If you want to try AVPro Edge and more at the AWA Reps Experience Center, please email them or give them a call, or (248) 961-6163.
​AVPro Edge’s MXNet Evolution II AC-MXNET-1G-EV2 and AC-MXNET-1G-DV2 feature continued evolution to MXNet 1G performance and feature sets made possible by refinements to the application-specific integrated circuit, enhancing native 4K/60fps video playback plus support for high bitrate audio formats with ARC / eARC. Check out the new features in action in this can't miss training webinar!