- Published , by Tom Devine
The AC-SC2-AUHD has been the staple scaler when integrators need to scale any resolution from 480 to 4K, or switch from progressive to interlaced and vice versa. This happens a lot when working with set top boxes where the resolutions can change from channel to channel. Adding the AC-SC2-AUHD will allow your display to always receive the same 1080p or 4K signal no matter what the source outputs.
This SC2 Scaler just got an upgrade and is now AC-SC2-AUHD-GEN2. The "GEN2" doesn't change any of the functionality of the product, you are still able to manage EDID, lock in output resolutions and switch from Interlaced to Progressive video. The GEN2 update is in the chassis and the power supply. This unit now comes with a completely aluminum chassis, making the product much lighter. The power has been updated to allow the scaler to run off only 5v and has a locking power supply for added stability to your installation.
If you have any questions on scaling, what scaling product suites your installation best, just give us a call at 877-886-5112 and one or our reps will be glad to assist you. Remember we have scalers built into our Extenders, Distribution Amplifiers and Matrix Switchers!