- Published , by Tom Devine

Stefan Tonjes
What's your favorite Color?
AVPro green
What's your favorite food?
Godfather’s Pizza
What do you like about working at AVPro?
What I love about AVPro is that we’re all just a bunch of mutts. AVPro hired people for their potential and not their previous job experience. For example Brad and Cassie knew nothing about HDMI prior to working here and now they are the best tech support in the business. Tom, from marketing, didn’t know anything about marketing HDMI products and now he’s an integral part of how we go to market. Joe had no shipping experience and has since become the cog to make sure all the pieces and parts are heading in the right direction. The list goes on and on and includes myself. I didn’t understand what an extender was when I started working there. It makes for a fun environment that we are not fearful to learn from our mistakes, discover new ways to do things and watch this company go from nothing to a legitimate player in the industry.
What has been your best “moment” since working with AVPro?
As a sales guy there are always new sales milestones we hit and that’s always exciting. But the most exciting moment was from a few years ago when I sold 120 special order 4x2’s This project took 9 months from inception to delivery and to finally see that PO come in was very exciting. Especially, since at that time, that equated to more than half our monthly sales total.
AVPro operates out of South Dakota, what the best and worst part of living in the 605?
The best part of living in the 605 area code is that From April till October its warm, sunny, green, and there is plenty to do. I’ll admit, I’m a little surprised at how many people I’ve talked to that have never heard of Sioux Falls. I am frequently the only person others have ever met from South Dakota (perhaps that’s a good thing 😊) As far as the worst thing, it’s the winter. This is why I live in Florida during that time. Haha
What is your favorite Consumer Electronic?
The remote to my tv. That is probably one of the greatest inventions of all time. I’m old enough to remember when there was no such thing.